If you're looking for someone professional to talk to about issues related to pornography, you can download this list of recommended Counsellors.
- Dr Bill Struthers on Pornography from 2014 Faithfulness in Service conference
Part A - https://vimeo.com/105192560
Part B - https://vimeo.com/105209442 - A testimony of recovery by Jason Huxley from 2014 Faithfulness in Service https://vimeo.com/105204029
- Dr Bill Struthers on Pornography and the Brain https://vimeo.com/12809666
- Go for Greatness (formally Guilty Pleasure): Bill Struthers on the effects of porn
- A video on the significance of planning your daily activities - https://vimeo.com/35330098
- Digital Cocaine Brad Huddleston brain impact of screen overuse
- Eternity News and the Bible Society Australia: Pornography: the Elephant in the Church
- The Reboot Nation documentary: Porn on the Brain.
- Youthworks – What’s so bad about porn?
Be sure to explore our many links in the Further Secular Materials and Further Faith-based Materials below - both which have many other resources relevant to parenting.
- Just 1 Click Away free resource by Josh McDowell
- Technology guide advocatesforyouth.org/parents
- Cyberparenting A book for parents
- thegracespot.com (for women)
- goforgreatness.org
- josh.org/resources/just-1-click-away
- fightthenewdrug.org
- www.nofap.com
- xxxchurch.com
- rebootnation.org
- yourbrainrebalanced.com/forum
- no-porn.com/ Including free ebook 10 Keys to Breaking Pornography Addiction
- yourbrainonporn.com
- A large body of statistics of varying quality (compiled by Josh McDowell)
Books for further reading:
- A helpful article on handling betrayal (with other resources) goforgreatness.org/partners/
- fightthenewdrug.org/a-female-perspective-the-emotional-betrayal-of-porn/
- Mending a Shattered Heart by Stephanie Carnes
- bloomforwomen.com – online recovery resource for women suffering trauma
- Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction by Mark Laasar
- Intimate Treason by Claudia Black
- Grace Filled Marriage by Dr. Tim Kimmel has an entire chapter about how wives can extend grace to husbands who have fallen into porn use.
- For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
- Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn
- Sexual Detox: A guide for guys who are sick of porn by Tim Challies
- Captured by a Better Vision by Tim Chester
- Finally Free: fighting for purity with the power of grace by Heath Lambert
- 2016 Barna Research American research on 10 Porn trends in a Digital Age, featuring a notable variation in adults’ views on porn
- 2017 Burnet Institute: Australian research into porn use by young people
- 2017 Pornography Statistics: statistics covering revenge porn and social media; Porn Hub Australia is 8tht in the world; men’s, women’s and teens’ statistics; churchgoer statistics.
- ACT: the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approach to combatting porn
- Addiction Treatment Youth Program The Edge inpatient and outpatient services
- Australian Institute of Family Studies review into current pornography
- Australian Parliamentary Report 2016 research into harm being done to children through access to pornography on the internet.
- Authoritative Parenting Diana Baumrind’s timeless parenting model
- Child on Child Sexual Behaviour: 2017 Sydney Morning Herald article on children’s sexual behaviours
- Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia: a demonstration of pornography’s exploitation of trafficked girls and women
- Collective Shout Tips for parents for online safety
- Collective Shout: organisation fighting objectification and sexualisation of women and girls in media, advertising and popular culture
- Common Sense Media reviews of movie/TV series/ video games content
- Content analysis of Mainstream pornography male dominant, types of violence and amateur porn more gender inequality
- Conversation with a 9 year old A father – son talk in the internet age
- Corporate Sexual Harassment – article demonstrating common attitudes and scripts informed by pornography
- eChildhood provides research and support for parents of children and teens for protecting from and responding to pornography harms
- Examples of Pornified Video Games with pornographic scenes in lifelike video games
- Get Out of Your mind and Into Your Life ACT for Teens, whole life approach to teen mental health and wellbeing
- Gonzo Porn: explanation of the genre by a psychologist
- Good picture Bad Pictures Porn proofing today’s young kids
- Hack Live Australians on Porn 2015 ABC TV video
- Initiating the Conversation when you know your child has seen porn
- Internet Safety Strategies Raising Children parenting website
- Is Pornography addictive? research from the American Psychological Society
- Its Time we Talked resources to assist parents deal with pervasive pornography
- No such thing as healthy porn
- NoFap.org A free emergency app (and website) provides material to distract someone from turning to porn or masturbation.
- Office of the eSafety Commissioner, Australian Government. There are multiple resources for parents, schools, an individuals related to online behaviours.
- Porn addiction can be unlearned article from the Sydney Morning Herald
- Porn Addicts Anonymous PAA 12 Step Program from the USA.
- Porn and concurrent addictions: substance abuse, alcohol, gaming and gambling
- Porn as Sex Education Telegraph News
- Porn Inc the global porn industry by Melinda tankard Reist
- Porn site age verification measures Porn Harms Kids charity advocacy
- Pornography and Violence causal link between viewing porn and aggressive attitude and action towards women by Melinda Tankard Reist
- Psychologist interview and article overview protecting kids from porn: 103.2
- Psychology Today - Porn Pleasure or Pain: a 2015 review of the pornography landscape
- Raising Children Network Pornography information and parenting advice from the Australian Government Department of Social Services Parenting Website
- Reality and Risk: understanding the extent of the porn problem
- RebootNation.org A forum for those who struggle with pornography where they can write about successes and set backs and get support.
- RTribe A social recovery App for addiction. Track sobriety, identify bad habits and receive real-time support.
- Sex Addiction Australia
- Sex Ed Rescue resources to help parents talk about sex with their children
- Social Media Risks ABC news
- Specialist Psychological Counselling for porn and masturbation addiction
- Talk Soon, Talk Often A comprehensive guide for parents talking to kids about sex – including pornography. WA. Department of Health
- TED talk Why I stopped watching porn – compelling and clear
- The Conversation: tips for talking with kids about porn
- The Cyber Safety Lady education and resources
- The Great Porn Experiment TED talk by Gary Wilson about how porn is addictive
- The Prince Boofhead Syndrome Michael Carr-Gregg on parenting adolescent boys
- The Teenage Brain on Porn: US ABC news video
- Two Main Harms of Porn –brain reward centre and porn-induced erectile dysfunction effects – Huffington Post
- University Sexual Harassment and Assault 2017 report into high incidence at Australian universities
- Ways to Start the Conversation about Porn Sex Ed Rescue ideas and resources
- Why teens watch porn Fox News reports survey results
- Wiki How to Avoid Pornography: A step by step approach to combatting porn
- Your Brain on Porn: addictive brain changing impact of viewing porn
- Youth Beyond Blue Brave Program resources for building resilience, self-soothing and dealing with depression and anxiety
- 8 ways to overcome a porn addiction: Relevant Magazine
- A21 Human trafficking and sex slavery – awareness and justice response
- Birds and the Bees by the Book: a series to assist parents of 7-10 year old talk about sex, relationships, gender and identity by Dr Patricia Weerakoon
- Capture by a better vision, Chester
- COMPOSE Yourself! A model for responding if your child has viewed porn
- Covenant Eyes: statistics on teenagers
- Culture Reframed: research-driven education to prevent, resist and heal the harm of pornography
- Deseret News teens use porn to self sooth (Mormon)
- Digital Cocaine Brad Huddleston webinar - brain impact of screen over use
- eChildhood provides research and support for parents of children and teens for protecting from and responding to pornography harms
- Eternal Perspectives Ministries Pornography and Sexting
- Female porn use – Shannon Etheridge addresses increase in female porn use
- Fight the New Drug provides a clear understanding of the harmful affects of porn and offers resources
- Finally Free: fighting for purity with the power of grace, Lambert
- Focus on The Family Pornography and Addiction: older material, good principles
- Fortify online program from Fight the New Drug (free for youth) that offers 52 video-based lessons about the harms of pornography and tools to help quit
- Go for Greatness information for protecting, talking to and responding to children about porn
- Growing up by the Book answering sex, relationships, gender and identity questions for 10-14 year olds by Dr Patricia Weerakoon
- Harms of Pornography Documentary – a Christian activist, educator and psychologist talk about the harms of internet porn usage: Eternity news
- Just 1 Click Away many resources for combatting porn addiction
- Love, Sex and Dating 4 part series by Pastor Andy Stanley addresses topic of porn
- Porneia a Global Tragedy
- Pornography and Masturbation in Men of Honour by Glen Gerreyn
- Pure Intimacy Focus on the Family resources for developing healthy sexuality including a response to pornography – older but solid material
- Put a Lid on It: Exposing the Pornography Trap. A book to help parents navigate the changing online landscape by Emily Olivia
- Questions and Concerns about masturbation from Focus on the Family
- Radio Hope 103.2 brokers a variety of helpful local articles and interviews on pornography
- Sexual Detox: A guide for guys who are sick of porn, Challies
- Teen Sex by the Book by Dr Patricia Weerakoon
- Teen website Fervr offers many helpful ideas on sex, dating and pornography
- The Grace Spot: a ministry to females who experience problematic pornography use
- What About Masturbation? A discussion paper from a Christian perspective